Blogging is fun!!!

Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 by Jun Jie Yeo in

Hm... Took me awhile to get the hang of it!!! But finally!!!!! It's almost done. I added new gadgets and deleted off the old ones. It was quite fun, though I should have started earlier. It was like learning a whole new thing without much guidance and figuring out the programs myself!!!


  1. Hi Jun Jie,

    Good to hear you have fun exploring & 'making up' the blog.

    There'll be lots of exploration when it comes to ICT in SST! As you have experienced (by now), we start you off with some guidance/resources and there you go - venture beyond and enjoy the experience and satisfaction through discovery :D

    BTW, Nice upbeat music/song :D

    Hm... Have you checked out the user rights of the items embedded in this blog and acknowledged the source accordingly?

  1. Richie says:

    Any reason why you have chosen those pieces of music? Share with us your thoughts :)

  1. Richie says:

    Just note that I have just posted the previous message at 10.38am but the time is reflected as 6.37pm. Check your time settings ok?

  1. The time is changed to singapore time. Hmm... took a while to find it