Unexpected success and unexpected failures

Posted: Sunday, February 7, 2010 by Jun Jie Yeo in

So far, I know everyone has unexpected failures and successes. In this post, I will tell you mine...

First, my unexpected successes. There was the 8th elementz science competition which our team did not really expect to get  a silver award.
second, there is my PSLE score, as i thought i would have gotten lower than my score of 246.
third, there is the unexpected success of getting into SST as I did not get in the first time during the test, but I did not expect to get into SST when I got my PSLE result slip.

Then, there is my unexpected failures.
First, there is my second practical in SST where we had to extract DNA, however, mine did not form whereas some of my friends managed to make the DNA form.

well, that's it for y unexpected successes and failures


  1. Richie says:

    From the unexpected successes, what did you learn?